Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Demon Dentist - Book Review

Demon Dentist is a novel by David Walliams. Check out his cool website by clicking here.

The main characters in Demon Dentist are:

Alfie, a boy with rotten teeth.

Dad, Alfie’s dad.

Miss Rot -nah just kidding -Miss root a Demon dentist.

These are not the main characters but they are important:

Gabz, a little girl

Winnie, a social worker

Raj, a newsagent

What that book is about:
A DEMON DENTIST is moving to town!!!
And a boy named Alfie who is poor and lives with his Dad in a shack. But life is not so pleasant in the shack as at sounds because Alfie’s Dad is in a wheelchair. And there it all begins!

In my opinion, this book deserves a 5 star rating; I loved the characters in this book as well as the action and it was exciting at the end. As well as being very gross all the way the throw book .   

By Alice Hansen

Friday, June 10, 2016

5 cool things about Jeannie Baker


  1. A book like 'Where the forest meets the sea' took her three years to make!
  2. When ever you see ice in her book collages it is wax! 
  3. She has written 14 picture book!
  4. Screen Australia has made 2 awesome films of her books click here!!!!
  5. She is the oldest of 6 children.

Monday, June 6, 2016

My chicken soup

This week my favourite dish is chicken soup.

Chicken soup

You will need;
stick of celery

Roughly chop the veggies and place in a big pot. Brown the chicken on all sides and add to the pot. Cover with water and simmer for one hour Take the chicken out of stock, and  let it cool.

Then shred the meat from bones. Drain the stock, discard the veggies.

Re-heat the stock, add some pasta. Put the chicken back in the pot and serve with parmesan cheese and peas. And then eat!

Welcome to my blog

Hi my name is Alice, I live on a farm in orange I am 8 years old and this is my blog.

My blog is inspired my mum Sophie Hansen, she always thinks I can do anything. My blog is about me taking a picture of my favourite thing each week and writing about it.

I hope you enjoy reading!
