Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Demon Dentist - Book Review

Demon Dentist is a novel by David Walliams. Check out his cool website by clicking here.

The main characters in Demon Dentist are:

Alfie, a boy with rotten teeth.

Dad, Alfie’s dad.

Miss Rot -nah just kidding -Miss root a Demon dentist.

These are not the main characters but they are important:

Gabz, a little girl

Winnie, a social worker

Raj, a newsagent

What that book is about:
A DEMON DENTIST is moving to town!!!
And a boy named Alfie who is poor and lives with his Dad in a shack. But life is not so pleasant in the shack as at sounds because Alfie’s Dad is in a wheelchair. And there it all begins!

In my opinion, this book deserves a 5 star rating; I loved the characters in this book as well as the action and it was exciting at the end. As well as being very gross all the way the throw book .   

By Alice Hansen

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